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Understanding & Treating Drug Allergies in Burbank, CA

At SoCal Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, we understand how challenging it can be to manage allergies, especially when they are caused by medications. Drug allergies can be particularly complex and sometimes life-threatening. Here’s a look into drug allergies to help you better understand this condition and how to manage it effectively.

Drug Allergies Condition Treatment in Burbank, CA

What Are Drug Allergies?

A drug allergy occurs when your immune system reacts abnormally to a medication. The first exposure to a drug might not cause any symptoms, but your body can create antibodies to it. After being exposed to this drug again, your immune system may mistakenly think it is harmful. Instead of the medication helping you, your body starts fighting it, causing allergic reactions. Drug allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include:

  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • Itching
  • Shortness of breath

In rare cases, a drug allergy can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition characterized by severe symptoms like a drop in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and loss of consciousness. If you experience symptoms of anaphylaxis, call 911 immediately.

What Causes Drug Allergies?

Drug allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to a medication. Your body produces antibodies against the drug, which release chemicals like histamine that cause allergy symptoms. Risk factors include having other allergies, a history of allergic reactions to medications, and a family history of drug allergies. Some medications are more likely to cause allergic reactions than others. These include:

  • Antibiotics like penicillin
  • Pain relievers such as aspirin and other NSAIDs
  • Sulfa drugs (e.g., Septra and Bactrim)
  • Non-antibiotic sulfa drugs (though these are very low-risk)
  • Certain chemotherapy drugs

Prevention of Drug Allergies

Preventing drug allergies starts with being aware of any past allergic reactions to medications. Always inform your healthcare providers about your drug allergies. Wearing a medical alert bracelet and carrying an emergency epinephrine injector can also be life-saving measures if you have a known severe drug allergy.

Managing and Treating Drug Allergies

If you have a drug allergy, you’ll need to stop taking that specific medication. Treatments for allergic reactions may include antihistamines, corticosteroids, or epinephrine for severe cases. For essential medications, a process called desensitization might be considered, where the drug is given in increasing doses under close medical supervision.

Diagnosing Drug Allergies

Diagnosing drug allergies can be complicated. Your allergist will ask you a series of questions and may recommend specific tests. Diagnosing a drug allergy typically involves:

  • Reviewing your medical history and symptoms
  • Physical examination
  • Allergy testing, such as skin tests or blood tests
  • Sometimes, a supervised drug challenge (gradual dosing of the medication) to see if a reaction occurs

Prevention of Drug Allergies

Preventing drug allergies starts with being aware of any past allergic reactions to medications. Always inform your healthcare providers about your drug allergies. Wearing a medical alert bracelet and carrying an emergency epinephrine injector can also be life-saving measures if you have a known severe drug allergy.

Managing and Treating Drug Allergies

If you have a drug allergy, you’ll need to stop taking that specific medication. Treatments for allergic reactions may include antihistamines, corticosteroids, or epinephrine for severe cases. For essential medications, a process called desensitization might be considered, where the drug is given in increasing doses under close medical supervision.

Other Services at SoCal Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers

In addition to managing drug allergies, we specialize in treating chronic sinusitis and severe allergies and providing innovative treatments like balloon sinusplasty and immunotherapy. Our state-of-the-art Burbank and San Diego locations are equipped to offer personalized care to help you breathe freely again. Our treatments don’t stop at just allergies. We also offer relief from:

Contact Us Today

Dealing with drug allergies can be daunting, but understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatments can make managing the condition easier. At SoCal Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, we are committed to helping our patients find effective solutions for their allergy issues. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and find out how we can help you.

Breathe Free. Live Well.