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California’s warm climate leads to two common misconceptions: that it’s either terrible or ideal for allergies. While the coastal breeze helps keep pollen levels lower in some areas, seasonal allergies are still a reality for many residents—no matter where they live in the state.

With spring around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare your sinuses and throat with a few key tips to help you breathe easier and manage allergies more effectively.

Learn How to Manage Your Allergies This Spring Season

Know what triggers your symptoms

Allergy triggers vary from person to person, making it essential to identify what specifically causes your symptoms. An allergy test can pinpoint your allergens, helping you take the right steps to manage and minimize your reactions effectively.

Monitor pollen and allergen levels

Always monitor pollen and allergen levels, especially during peak allergy seasons. This will allow you to anticipate your symptoms. Several websites like, the Weather Channel, and Asthma and Allergy Forecast provide the public with tools to help them monitor allergen levels in their local areas.

You can start your allergy meds early

You can start taking your allergy medications early to boost your immune system and improve your body’s reaction to allergens. Additionally, don’t forget to take them on days when allergen counts are especially high and can potentially exacerbate your symptoms.

Have a few over-the-counter remedies ready

Over-the-counter remedies can also effectively alleviate your allergy symptoms so make sure you have a few ready for when you need them. Decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal sprays have long been known to reduce inflammation and clear blocked nasal passages to ease your symptoms.

Keep doors and windows closed

Pollen, mold, and other airborne irritants can easily travel via the air. Prevent any of these contaminants from entering your home’s safe space by keeping your windows and doors closed. While it might be tempting to crack open a few to let the fresh air in, opt for running your HVAC system instead.

Keep your home clean and allergen-free

Allergy sufferers know the importance of keeping a clean and allergen-free home. Regularly dust and vacuum your home to reduce dust mites and pet dander. You should also change and wash your bedsheets regularly. If you have pets, groom them regularly and clean them up before you let them back inside. This gets rid of allergens they might have picked up from being outdoors.

Try sinus rinses

Sinus rinses provide immediate relief from nasal congestion. They break down mucus buildup and flush out allergens from your sinuses.

Practice strict hygiene protocols when you get home

While it would be best to stay at home on days with high allergen counts, not everyone has that luxury. What you can do is practice strict hygiene protocols for when you get home.

Once you get home, leave your shoes outside. You’ll want to immediately take off your outdoor clothes and put them in the laundry. Then, get in the shower to remove any allergens that may be on your skin in order to prevent the further spreading of allergens in your home.

Avoid hanging clothes outside to dry

Peak allergy season is not the time to hang clothes outside to dry. The fabric can easily pick up pollen and other airborne allergens, and once you take them back inside, you also invite in several allergens. Instead, dry your clothes inside or use a clothes dryer.

Use HEPA filters

If you’re using an HVAC system, air purifier, or vacuum cleaner, make sure you are using HEPA filters. This type of filter can remove very small allergen particles in your indoor space. Clean and replace them as needed to maintain good quality indoor air.

Hydration is crucial

Hydration is a crucial part of staying healthy and a lot of it has to do with your mucus membranes. Optimal levels of hydration will support proper mucus membrane functions and keep mucus thin. This keeps the sinus linings moisturized and prevents nasal blockages. Drink plenty of water. Hot soups and tea can also keep hydration levels up.

Consult with your doctor when you need to

Allergies can be difficult to manage, especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re dealing with. If you’ve tried our tips above and still fail to alleviate your symptoms, or if your allergy meds have stopped working, do not hesitate to consult with your care provider. At SoCal Breathe Free, we have a team of allergists with years of experience in helping patients achieve relief and learn ways to manage their allergies better. Schedule a consultation with us today and start breathing free and easy.


Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.