Hearing Loss Treatment in Burbank, CA
Don’t Ignore Symptoms of Hearing Loss
Occasional mild or temporary hearing loss is typically not a cause for concern. It could be caused by an ear infection, allergies, or congestion. Sudden, significant, or worsening hearing loss should be evaluated by a specialist as soon as possible. At SoCal Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, our team of physicians and ENT specialists can investigate the cause of hearing loss and find safe, effective solutions. If you’re showing symptoms of hearing loss, don’t delay seeking an evaluation and treatment. Call us today to schedule a consultation and evaluation.

What Is Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is a common condition that affects most people at some point in their life. Hearing loss often comes on gradually as you age, but can also be caused by loud noises, damage to the ear, congenital conditions, and other factors. Temporary or occasional hearing loss is not a cause for concern, as long as it is mild. Total hearing loss, sudden hearing loss, or progressively worsening hearing loss should be evaluated by a specialist.
What Causes Loss of Hearing?
A variety of different factors can cause or contribute to total, partial, temporary, or permanent hearing loss. Some hearing loss causes occur at specific life stages or stages of development. Others are a result of injury or damage to the ear. The most common causes of hearing loss examined during different life stages are:
- Prenatal – The most common causes of hearing loss in the prenatal period are genetic factors like hereditary and non-hereditary hearing loss, and intrauterine infections.
- Perinatal – In the perinatal period, the most common causes of hearing loss are birth asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia, and low birth weight.
- Childhood & Adolescence – During childhood and adolescence, the most common hearing loss causes are chronic ear infections, fluid in the ear, meningitis, and other infections.
- Adulthood & Older Age – In adulthood and older age, the most common hearing loss causes are chronic diseases, smoking, otosclerosis, age-related sensorineural degeneration, and sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
- Across Lifespan – Factors that contribute to or cause hearing loss across the lifespan are impacted ear wax, head or ear trauma, loud noises, medicines, chemicals, nutritional deficiencies, viral infections, ear conditions, and progressive genetic hearing loss.
What Are Common Hearing Loss Symptoms?
For some people, hearing loss comes along so gradually that they might not notice it’s happening until someone else points it out to them. For others, hearing loss can be sudden or extreme. These are the most common symptoms of hearing loss:
- Muffled speech or sound
- Trouble following speech or conversation when in a crowded or noisy place
- Trouble hearing consonants in speech
- Frequently needing to ask others to repeat themselves or speak more slowly, loudly, or clearly
- Having the volume of your television set, phone, radio, or computer set to a higher volume than is comfortable to others
- Being overly bothered by background noise
- Experiencing tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears
- Having trouble hearing the sounds of traffic, construction, sirens, or other outdoor noises
How Is Hearing Loss Diagnosed?
If you have a sudden loss of hearing, particularly if it only affects one ear, you should seek medical attention right away. If you experience an injury to your head or ear that has affected your hearing or if you have sudden or extreme ear pain, you should visit a medical specialist.
What Are the Types of Hearing Loss?
There are four types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, mixed, and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Determining what type of hearing loss you have can help us find the underlying cause of your hearing loss. The hearing loss cause can help us find the most effective treatment option for you.
- Conductive Hearing Loss – This type of hearing loss affects the outer and/or middle ear and can often be treated with surgery or medication.
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss – This type of hearing loss is caused by a problem with the inner ear or the hearing nerve.
- Mixed Hearing Loss – This type of hearing loss includes both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
- Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder – This type of hearing loss occurs when sound enters the ear as usual, but isn’t recognized by the brain. This can happen due to damage to the inner ear or hearing nerve.
Our Hearing Loss Treatment Options
The treatment we recommend for your hearing loss will depend on the cause of your hearing loss. We will complete an extensive physical examination and medical history. We may take imaging tests like an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. We will also perform a hearing test. We offer a variety of hearing loss treatment options, including:
- Medication – If the cause of your hearing loss is a medical condition or infection, we may be able to treat or reverse it with medication. Medications can relieve inflammation, eliminate infection, and manage underlying conditions that can cause hearing loss.
- Surgery – We may recommend surgery to treat some types of hearing loss. We can drain fluid using small tubes or repair structural deformities or injuries.
- Hearing Aids – Hearing aids can improve hearing when hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear.
- Earwax Removal – If your hearing loss is due to an earwax blockage, restoring hearing could be as simple as removing earwax.
- Cochlear Implants – We may recommend cochlear implants if a regular hearing aid wouldn’t help. A cochlear implant fits around the parts of the inner ear that don’t function properly.
Schedule a Hearing Loss Evaluation Today
Call us today or schedule an appointment online for a hearing loss evaluation. Our experienced, highly-skilled team of specialists can assess your hearing and evaluate the extent of your hearing loss. We can then recommend hearing loss treatment options.